First stab at writing my own editorial!

full layout

I pitched the idea of covering the new adventure-sport-game of geocaching to my boss and he said, "sure, you wanna write it too?" UMM OK! So I started researching and compiling this Miami Herald "Tech Tuesday" display graphic.

I first discovered geocaching a while back when my Boy Scout friend took me on several awesome adventures around Miami and told me about the secret world of this treasure hunting game - naturally, I took this 'secret' to share with 190,000 Herald readers. 

Thanks Boss for allowing me this awesome opportunity to WRITE and design my own piece! 

I highly recommend checking out to find any geocaches near where ever you might be in the world. It's a lot of fun if you're a good hide-n-seeker!


Elias Gurrola said…
this sounds so freaking cool, i remember you mentioned it when we were passing the cemetary, i think. Sounds like an adventure we could go on, and maybe video it. (i spelled cemetary wrong but i forgot how to spell it)
Emma said…
we will go! aww, i'm so glad there's someone in the world out there who's cool with going to a creepy old cemetery with me.

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